Monday, May 26, 2014

貧窮藝術在資本怪獸中復活 Arte Povera Resurrected from Capitalist Monsters




義大利藝術評論家切蘭(Germano Celant)於1967年提出「貧窮藝術」這個概念。以撿拾廢舊品和日常材料作為表現媒介,用最廉價、最樸素的廢棄材料——樹枝、金屬、玻璃、織布、石頭等進行藝術創作。 波蘭大師葛羅托斯基(Jerzy Grotowski)也曾提出「貧窮劇場」與「藝乘」(art as vehicle)概念,在展場我們將用作品代替演員,再現劇場精神,展覽以劇場形式呈現,從序曲、第一幕到第三幕分別由塑膠袋、舊報紙等製作的雲朵來傳遞從天而降的聲音,垂掛下來的耳機象徵著根。而藝術將載著人類到達何方?終曲是尚未獲得解答的問號。



Arte Povera  Resurrected from Capitalist Monsters 

This is a possible process for future development of a metabolic city. We are in an era surrounded by garbage. Manufacturing and production of anything is to be abandoned.

From annual disposable, to seasonal disposable, to monthly disposable, to weekly disposable, to daily disposable. Single-use. Out of sight. Out of mind. Disposable love, disposable clothes, disposable houses, disposable furniture, disposable towns, disposable streets, disposable parks , disposable forests, disposable architecture, disposable knowledge, disposable messages, disposable art, disposable islands, and disposable memory.

Italian art critic Germano Celant proposed the concept of "Arte Povera"  in 1967. To pick up waste and everyday materials as the media, the artists created with the cheapest and the most simple waste materials-- twigs, metal, glass, fabric, and stones. Polish theater director Jerzy Grotowski have raised the concept "poor theater" and "art as vehicle." In the exhibition, we will replace actors with works, reconstructing the spirit of the theater. The exhibition is presented in the form of theater, from Overture, Act I to Act III, respectively using clouds made by plastic bags, old newspapers, etc. to convey the voice of heaven. The earphones hanging down symbolize roots. Where will art take humans? Finale is an unanswered question.

The so-called "poor," like all the referential contexts, various disposable theories, discourses and doctrines, does not necessarily have anything to do with the concepts Italian and Polish masters proposed. Impoverishment of art reflects the poverty of our thoughts. This is the most prosperous era and also the poorest of all eras. We lack nothing, but we possess nothing.

For those being abandoned, recycled, and regenerated, we will invite the self-help groups of preservation movement to participate in the project of collecting disappearing address and road signs and other memory objects. We will resurrect them from the architecture cemetery and decorate them with flowers.

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