Friday, June 27, 2014

另一種視角 Another Perspective

6/27 下午台北國際藝術村的駐村藝術家 Anne-Flore Cabanis 指導同學們進行即興創作工作坊。另外一種視角來觀看臥龍二九,現在入口的小徑充滿令人耳目一新的有趣裝置,讓你再回來看展的理由! 

6/29 13:30 閉幕放映彩繪派對

On 6/27 afternoon, the resident artist of Taipei Artist Village Anne-Flore Cabanis instructed the students to create for an improvisation workshop. Another perspective to watch Wolong 29. The trail at the entrance is now filled with refreshingly interesting installation works. Now you definitely have reasons to return to the exhibition before it ends! 

6/29 13:30 Closing Screening and Painting Party