Thursday, June 26, 2014

《無根之雲》閉幕放映彩繪派對 Screening & Painting Party of "Rootless Clouds"


我們將在閉幕(29號)的下午一點半,最後一次大螢幕放映 德國藝術家 Lilian Enders Ribeiro的作品,並舉辦夢想彩繪派對,大朋友、小朋友一起來《臥龍二九》畫下你對自己居住城市的願景,你心目中的理想城市跟房產中的廣告一致嗎?你心目中的「世界設計之都」長什麼樣子?政府「設計」的城市樣貌符合你的需求嗎?你記憶與情感所繫的島嶼、你的根在哪裡?



Countdown to the end of the exhibition. Have you visited it yet?

On the closing day (1:30 pm, June 29), we will have the last big-screen projection of German artist Lilian Enders Ribeiro's work and organize a painting party. All ages welcome. Let's draw your vision of the city you want to live in Wolong 29. Is the ideal city in your mind consistent with the real estate ads? What does your "World Design Capital" look like? Does the urbanscape designed by the government meet your needs? Are your memories and emotions tied to the island? Where are your roots?

This Sunday afternoon, draw the city you imagine to live with chalks and paints.

Let's tear up the real estate ads and exchange them with your dreams. Use your creativity to add colors to the exhibition on the last day!

If it rains, the painting party will be limited in the exhibition venue. If it's fine, let colors spread the lane leading to the main road.

Beer, chalks, crayons, and paints are available. Welcome to bring your own tools, food and drinks to share with us!

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